NBC Montana: UM rolls out cybersecurity degree amid labor demand
by Jacob Owens |
"MISSOULA, Mont. — Shawn Clouse has taught at the University of Montana for 34 years, and now he’ll be teaching courses within the university’s newest bachelor’s degree — cybersecurity.
The four-year degree will expand the university’s cybersecurity education offerings as hundreds of cybersecurity jobs were open in the state in the last year."
Read the full story here.
Missoula College Named NSA Center In Cyber Defense
UM News |
"The University of Montana’s push to be the region’s cybersecurity hub took another step forward this week after the National Security Agency officially redesignated Missoula College as a Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense.
This designation highlights UM’s growing field of cybersecurity education and training, as well as a commitment to promoting a secure cyber landscape in today's interconnected world."
Read the full story here.
Montana High Schooler Studies Cybersecurity With UM Early College Program
Missoula College | April 28, 2023
"MISSOULA – For the past two years, Conrad High School senior Brady Barnhill has been a college campus of one.
Barnhill is studying online to earn a certificate in cybersecurity from the University of Montana’s Missoula College. Each day, on his own, he sits down to learn about server administration, networking, cryptography and other topics relevant to an exploding professional field that impacts everything from government defense to the safety of personal checking accounts.
Barnhill is actually the first high school student to complete this certificate as part of Missoula College’s Dual Enrollment program, which offers students opportunities to earn college credits before they even enter a university campus"
Read the full story here.